Saturday, March 6, 2010

You're just getting old

I am pretty sure "second opinion doctor" has lost his touch with people and forgotten that patients have feelings.

"Big whoop" and "whoop whoop" complete with the finger-in-the-air twirl were common phrases during the appointment.

First of all, I don't care if you are talking to an allergy patient who complains of snot dripping from her nose, that is just crappy bedside manner.

We were discussing lesions on my brain, excruciating, debilitating headaches, loss of vision and balance issues.

His laisez-faire attitude was that because I have migraine disease and high blood pressure, brain lesions weren't completely surprising. He made this diagnosis without seeing all the brain scans and without even knowing if there was one or forty lesions.

His decision was to put me on two prophalactic medications and to discontinue all pain meds even Excedrin. Clearly he had never had a migraine.

You know the commercial that show the woman asking the waiter a billion questions about dinner options and then show her at the doctor and having no questions when he asks? That was me. I think I was still trying to process the fact that a doctor used the term "whoop" multiple times.

So, I continue to suffer. No answers. No solutions.

The light at the end of the tunnel (other than the migraine auras - yeah, I'm funny like that) is that we are moving in a few months and I will be able to see another doctor and start this whole process over again.

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